Accredited Programs Star Rating Results

The results for 2019 Accredited Programs Star Rating can be checked at website beginning 27th December 2019 (Friday). Any enquiries regarding the result can be made via email at ainisyakimah[at]mohr[dot[gov[dot]my


:: Induction Course of Malaysian Skills Accreditation refer, Mr Imalistyahusnanjaya Bin Mat Hussin, CIAST. Please call 03-5543 8328

:: DPIN (Directory of National Industry Experts) refer, Mrs. Rohani a/p Ngandi, CIAST. Please call 03-5543 8315      

:: Training Program Coach / SLDN Instructor / Proficiency and Social Value Course / Course Stabilization DSE / SLDN Induction Course, refer Tn Sayed Salim bin Sayed Mohd Nor, SLDN Training Unit, CIAST. Please call 03-5543 8345

Pautan MDEC

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