Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Latest Version Year 2023

(Malay Version Only) save Pemakluman Pelaksanaan SPKM-NDT Berdasarkan ISO 9712:2021 Yang Akan Berkuatkuasa Pada 1 Jun 2023

(Malay Version Only) save Success Story Malaysia dalam bidang Ujian Tanpa Musnah (NDT)


Non-Destructive Testing or better known as NDT is a form of material / component testing method without involving any form of destruction, damaging or altering the structure of the material. NDT applications are widely used in the oil and gas, manufacturing, shipping, aerospace, railroad and power plant sectors.

Malaysian Skills Certification System for Non-Destructive Testing (SPKM-NDT)

The Malaysian Skills Certification System for Non-Destructive Testing (SPKM-NDT) is a national certification scheme for the NDT program that was initially introduced in 1986. To date, there is a large number of skilled workers in the NDT field that is highly demanded by various sectors, such as oil and gas, petrochemical, power generation industries, automotive, manufacturing and etc.


i. Validate knowledge and competency through theoretical and practical assessment according to different levels in accordance with International Standards, ISO 9712:2021.
ii. Provide documented evidence for successful applicants by awarding SKM certificate.
iii. Provide a certification system recognized by other certification body, industry, authorities and associations at national and international level to SKM-NDT holders in accordance with ISO 9712:2021.
iv. Provide a transparent, fair and impartial certification system to all eligible applicants.


i. To administer the examination application within the stipulated period within three (3) weeks after receiving complete application.
ii. Issuing examination result slip for the examination candidates within three (3) weeks after the NDT Examination Committee meeting.
iii. Issuance of NDT Certificate within three (3) weeks after the NDT Certification Application Committee Meeting.

The implementation of the SPKM-NDT certification is based on the International Standards ISO 9712:2021 and DSD is the sole certification body for the scope of NDT in Malaysia to obtain MS ISO / IEC 17024: 2012 accreditation from the Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM) since 3rd October 2012. The National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) is developed in accordance with ISO 9712:2021 requirements and it addresses the competency standards required for every NDT personnel performing testing services in the industries. It is the basis for measuring individual competencies to be awarded with SKM NDT certification. 

SPKM-NDT certification scheme is based on ISO 9712:2021 and it is an initiative by DSD to ensure work processes and quality control in certifying every NDT personnel are in accordance with international practice. Being accredited with ISO 17024 and ISO 9712, the implementation of the SPKM-NDT certification scheme is according to the standards, levels and quality as recognized by the industries and the certification of NDT personnel under the scheme stands in line with other international certification.

The NDT programs offered by DSD are as follows;
i. Radiographic Testing
ii. Eddy Current Testing
iii. Penetrant Testing
iv. Ultrasonic Testing
v.  Magnetic Particle Testing
vi. Radiographic Interpretation
vii.Radiographic Testing – Digital

ISO 17024:2012 & ISO 9712:2021

ISO 9712:2021 (Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel) is a document that emphasizes on specific requirements for standards and certification of NDT personnel performing testing services in the industries. The ISO / IEC 17024 (Conformity Assessment: General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons) is a document that highlights the general requirements for certification bodies to adhere to the impartiality of every certification decision and to ensure the fairness, authenticity and reliability of certification assessments.

ISO/IEC 17024 (Conformity Assessment: General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons) is a document that outlines the general requirements for certification bodies in complying with fairness in each certification decision and ensuring that assessments that lead to certification are carried out fairly, authentically and reliably.

click to view Certificate & Scope of Accreditation

Recognition on SPKM-NDT

i. National Recognition 

Since January 2015, The Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) has recognized the certification of SKM Level 2 in Radiographic Testing (RT) as a compulsory requirement for the purpose of Radiograph Operator appointment while SKM Level 1 in Radiation Testing for Trainer Operator appointment.

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                                                                                    (click to link)

ii. International Recognition

JPK has successfully gained recognition from the ICNDT (International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing) since September 26, 2019 and has been listed in the ICNDT MRA Schedule 2 ( Schedule 2 & Schedule 1) as the NDT Certification Body that fulfils the requirements of the International Standard (ISO 9712 and ISO 17024). ICNDT is an international independent organization consisting of countries implementing the NDT certification system and is currently based and registered in Vienna, Austria.

The recognition of the ICNDT MRA (Multilateral Agreement on Recognition) indicates that the quality of the national certification system for the NDT program, SPKM-NDT, is in line with the international certification system.

Online System - eNDT & MySPIKE
eNDT is an online system developed by DSD, specifically for the NDT program, where its main purpose is to enhance the management system of the NDT certification system. The aim of the online system is to enable applications for NDT assessment and certification, and also information distribution via online for the NDT program.

ndt endt

The purpose of eNDT is to enable the following applications;

i. NDT assessment
- New Candidate
- Repeat Candidates (First & Second Time)
- Verification Candidate (after 10 years)

ii. NDT certification
- New Certification
- Renewal (after 5 years)
- Recertification (after 10 years)
- Replacement of Certificate

Online System - MySPIKE

logo myspike

                                                                                     (Click to Link)

MySPIKE or the Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia is an online system developed by DSD to enable accreditation applications and registration via online. For the NDT program, applications for the SPKM-NDT Personnel that can be made through the system are as follows ;

i. NDT Accredited Centre Training Manager
ii. NDT Instructor (NDT-I)
iii. NDT Invigilator
iv. NDT Chief Inspector (NDT-CE)
v. NDT Examiner (NDT-E)
vi. NDT Workshop Assistant
vii. NDT Industry Panel

Steps to obtain National Skills Certificate, SKM for NDT

ndt langkah  
   Refer to NDT Exam Guide Guideline & NDT Certification Application Guideline

keperluan jam ndt

keperluan jam ndt2

i. Validity Period for NDT SKM Certification
The validity of the NDT SKM Certification is five (5) years or less. Every certificate holder is required to renew the certificate six (6) months before the expiry date.

ii. National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) for NDT
The National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) sets out the competency standards for NDT personnel who performs testing services to the industry and is developed in accordance with ISO 9712:2021 requirements. It is used as the basis for measuring individual competencies and qualifications for the award of NDT SKM Certification. Refer >>here<< for a list of NDT NOSS.

NDT Accredited Centres

ndt pb

Click to see list of training centre and program

Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) as the Industrial Lead Body (ILB)

The Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) has been appointed as the Industrial Lead Body (ILB) for the NDT program since 2012. As the NDT ILB, MSNT plays a vital role in the development of NOSS for NDT. In addition, MSNT acts as an agent in promoting the national certification system, SPKM-NDT to the NDT practitioners and industries in Malaysia. MSNT cooperates with DSD in ensuring the quality the national certification system for NDT and to increase the acceptance of the industry towards the national certification system for NDT.

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                                                                                        ( Click to link MSNT)

Impartiality Statement by DSD

(Malay version only)

Pengurusan tertinggi JPK komited terhadap kesaksamaan (impartiality) dalam perkhidmatan Persijilan SPKM-NDT dan menyediakan peluang untuk penglibatan berkesan oleh pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menjaga kesaksamaan melalui Jawatankuasa Penasihat Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPPK). JPK bertanggungjawab ke atas kesaksamaan aktiviti Persijilan SPKM-NDT.

  1. JPK bertanggungjawab ke atas kesaksamaan aktiviti Persijilan SPKM-NDT;
  1. JPK tidak akan membenarkan sebarang aktiviti komersil, kewangan atau lain-lain aktiviti yang boleh menggugat kesaksamaannya; dan
  1. JPK akan memastikan aktiviti persijilan distruktur dan diurus dengan mengambil kira penglibatan dari pihak pemegang taruh (stakeholder) secara seimbang demi menjaga kepentingan kesaksamaan serta mengelakkan conflict of interest bagi memastikan objektif dan aktiviti persijilan terpelihara.

Semua kakitangan dan jawatankuasa di bawah JPK adalah komited untuk mematuhi sepenuhnya perisytiharan ini. Semua kakitangan dan jawatankuasa di bawah JPK termasuk Ketua Pengarah, pengurusan tertinggi, kakitangan, jawatankuasa dan pakar teknikal dikehendaki melengkapkan dan menandatangani Borang Akujanji.



Ketua Pengarah

Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran

SPKM NDT Management Flow Chart

Bil Title  

 Flow Chart of Complaint Management for SPKM NDT
2  Flow Chart of Petition Management for SPKM NDT Download

NDT Exam Schedule

Bil Title  

Exam Schedule Planning 2024

SPKM-NDT List of Guidelines


1  Guidance of NDT Examination (JPK/NDT/01 Guide) Download
2  Guidance of NDT Certification Application (JPK/NDT/02 Guide)  Download
3  Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) NDT for Training Agency (JPK/NDT/03 Guide) Download
4  NDT Certification Logo, Accreditation Mark and Certified Persons Mark Guidelines (JPK/PanduanNDT/09) Download
5  NDT Recertification Application Through Credit System Guidelines (JPK/PanduanNDT/10) Download
6  Special Programme for Industrial Experience Guidelines (JPK/PanduanNDT/11)  Download 
7  NDT Policies for TA (Training Agencies) & EC (Examination Centres) Download
8  List of NDT Course and Training Provider Download

SPKM-NDT List of Forms


 1  Vision Test Form (JPK/NDT/01 Form) Download
2  Examination Application Form (JPK/NDT/02 Form) Download
3  NDT Certification Application Form (JPK/NDT/03 Form) Download
4  Industry Experience in NDT Methods Form (Industry Sector) (JPK/NDT/04 Form) Download
5  Employer/Supervisor Verification Form (JPK/NDT/06 Form) Download
6  Code of Ethics for NDT Certificate (JPK NDT/07 Form) Download
7  Code of Ethics for NDT Certificate Holder (JPK NDT/07 Form) Download
8  Lampiran Panduan Pelaksanaan & Syarat Pentauliahan Pusat Bertauliah NDT (JPK/PanduanNDT/03)  Download
9  Borang Permohonan Sebagai EPC Download
10  Borang Permohonan Pengalaman di EPC  Download
11  Borang Pengumpulan Mata Kredit tahap 3  Download

Contact Us :- 


Mohd Sarfudin bin Awang

Penolong Kanan Pengarah

03-8886 2465

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Ts. Suliyana binti Saraman

Penolong Kanan Pengarah

03-8886 5483

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Encik Abdul Rahim bin Mustafa Khalid

Penolong Kanan Pengarah

03-8886 5295

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Encik Mohd Helmi bin Zainal

Pegawai Kanan Pembangunan Kemahiran

03-8886 2466

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Encik Zainal bin Abd Jalil

Pegawai Pembangunan Kemahiran

03-8886 5641

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Video and SPKM-NDT Activity

1 endt

Candidates sitting for theoretical examination

for Radiography Testing at SIRIM Berhad

2 endt

Chief Examiner conducting briefing to the candidates

calon peperiksaan Digital Radiography (RCA Course)

3 endt

Industry Expert conducting inspection towards sample

4 endt

Candidates sitting for theoretical examination

for Radiography Testing at Agensi Nuklear Malaysia

5 endt

Witness audit during practical assessment

for Radiography Testing at Ruane-TATI Sdn. Bhd.

6 endt

Candidates sitting for practical assessment for

Eddy Current Testing at RSA Academy Sdn. Bhd.

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Candidates sitting for practical assessment

for Penetrant Testing at RSA Academy Sdn. Bhd.

8 endt

Candidates sitting for theoretical examination

at Agensi Nuklear Malaysia.

9 endt

Candidates sitting for theoretical examination

for Ultrasonic Testing at ITC Skills Training Institute

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